Friday 28 February 2014

MrTickTock 2.7 - improved absence tracking and disabling time tracking

MrTickTock 2.7 has just been released and published at

What's new?

This version brings two major improvements:

  • Public holidays
    We have added "Public holiday" option to the list of absence types as requested by our customers. Selecting this option reduces planned workload (number of hours planned for a day, week, month and year) so it works in the same way as "Non-working" option. "Public holiday" option is available in various places of the service (reports, user details, etc.).

  • Disable time reporting for past dates
    It was a common problem in our company that people were sometimes late and reported time for the past month or a period we considered closed (in terms of expenses, etc.). The obvious solution to this problem is to close time reporting possibility for such period. It is now possible from the company Settings page or generated report page. This feature will become Premium since next version.

As usually this release contains bug fixes and improvements.


Since next version (2.8), editing settings of another user will become a Premium feature.

The rationale behind this move is that editing settings of another user is a natural extension of editing timesheet of another user which is already a Premium feature. We want to combine them together and make the service and our Premium vs Free approach more clear.

What's next?

Next versions will bring additional Premium features and UX improvements. We are going to add:
  • Vacation requests approval.
  • Custom absence types.
  • Restricted users role.

That's all for today friends. Try all of that at

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If you want to share a feedback please drop a comment below or browse our
feedback system.

MrTickTock team